BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — The Boise Farmers Market announced on Monday it will open a walk-thru market in addition to the drive-thru market on Memorial Day weekend.
Both markets will continue to operate on Saturdays in the Midtown Neighborhood at 1500 Shoreline Drive.
The walk-thru market will be similar to past farmers' markets and will have plenty of space for social distancing, the ability to choose your own produce and products, and on-site food with an eating area that is outside the market footprint.
Masks will be required for the safety of vendors, volunteers, staff, and family members who are not fully vaccinated yet or cannot be vaccinated due to health concerns.
"We appreciate everyone’s willingness to help keep our community safe by wearing a mask and maintaining 6’ social distancing guidelines," a market spokesperson said. "The CDC and City of Boise guidelines state that masks should be worn in crowded outdoor venues."
The drive-thru market will run from 8-10:30 a.m. The walk-thru market will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.